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The Danish Film music Society


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© 1996, 2025

1 side tilbage (go back 1 page) Soundtracks alfabetisk (Scores alphabetically)Komponister alfabetisk (Composers alphabetically) hspace=10 vspace=2></a><a href=Labels alfabetisk/alphabetically

Philadelphia True Lies Hook Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Chaplin Moviola II: Action And Adventure Moviola Judge Dredd The Shawshank Redemption
23 anmeldte soundtracks/scores fra Epic Soundtrax

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Labelnr.: Titel: Ã…r: Udgivet: Gennemsnits-karakter:
EK 67355 Across The Sea Of Time 1995 1995
EK 67354 Cry The Beloved Country 1995 1995
480855 2 Judge Dredd 1995 1995
EK 67424 Jumanji 1995 1995
EK 66481 Moviola II: Action And Adventure 1995 1995
EK 67431 Scarlet Letter, The 1995 1995
EK 66430 Forrest Gump 1994 1994
478511 2 Legends Of The Fall 1994 1994
478477 2 Madness Of King George, The 1994 1994
476940 2 North 1994 1994
EK 66621 Shawshank Redemption, The 1994 1994
EK 66370 Specialist, The 1994 1994
EK 64437 True Lies 1994 1994
EK 57280 Free Willy 1993 1993
EK 54009 Much Ado About Nothing 1993 1993
EK 57683 My Life 1993 1993
EK 57823 Philadelphia 1993 1993
472602 2 Chaplin 1992 1992
472331 2 Hero 1992 1992
472490 2 Moviola 1992 1992
EK 48804 Bugsy 1991 1991
469349-2 Hook 1991 1991
EK 45267 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 1989 1989