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© 1996, 2025

HI-ScoreKomponister alfabetisk (Composers alphabetically) hspace=10 vspace=2></a><a href=Labels alfabetisk/alphabeticallySøg & Find

Apocalypse Now (unused) Bloodline (expanded) Love At First Bite 1941 (expanded) Tess / Le Locataire Che Fare? Nightwing A Little Romance The Great Santini
43 anmeldte soundtracks/scores fra 1979
<<1978 året før - året efter 1980>>

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TAL - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - Æ - Ø - Å

Titel: Ã…r:
1941 1979 John Williams
1941 (expanded) 1979 John Williams
Alien 1979 Jerry Goldsmith
Alien (complete) 1979 Jerry Goldsmith
Almost Perfect Affair, An 1979 Georges Delerue
Amityville Horror, The 1979 Lalo Schifrin
And Justice For All 1979 Dave Grusin
Apocalypse Now (unused) 1979 David Shire
Beyond The Poseidon Adventure 1979 Jerry Fielding
Black Hole, The 1979 John Barry
Black Stallion, The 1979 Carmine Coppola
Bloodline 1979 Ennio Morricone
Bloodline (expanded) 1979 Ennio Morricone
Che Fare? 1979 Luis Bacalov
Cuba 1979 Patrick Williams
Dedicato al mare Egeo 1979 Ennio Morricone
Dracula: The Deluxe Edition 1979 John Williams
Escape From Alcatraz / Hell Is For Heroes 1979 Jerry Fielding / Leonard Rosenman
Great Santini, The 1979 Elmer Bernstein
Hanover Street 1979 John Barry
Hurricane 1979 Nino Rota
In-Laws, The 1979 John Morris
Last Embrace 1979 Miklós Rózsa
Little Romance, A Oscar 1979 Georges Delerue
Love At First Bite 1979 Charles Bernstein
Mad Max 1979 Brian May
Meteor 1979 Laurence Rosenthal
Moonraker 007 1979 John Barry
Nightwing 1979 Henry Mancini
Norma Rae 1979 David Shire
Old Boyfriends 1979 David Shire
Players 1979 Jerry Goldsmith
Prisoner Of Zenda, The 1979 Henry Mancini
Ravagers 1979 Fred Karlin
Rocky II 1979 Bill Conti
Runner Stumbles, The 1979 Ernest Gold
Star Trek: 20th Anniversary Collectors Edition 1979 Jerry Goldsmith
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (complete) 1979 Jerry Goldsmith
Tess (expanded) 1979 Philippe Sarde
Tess / Le Locataire 1979 Philippe Sarde
Time After Time 1979 Miklós Rózsa
Warriors, The 1979 Barry De Vorzon
Zulu Dawn 1979 Elmer Bernstein